
Measured Dental Care

For the long term


A Long Term View

The best work is done with the bigger picture in mind. From the outset, we talk with you to gain a clear understanding of your dental history, your lifestyle and any current concerns you may have.

We work with you to create a strategic treatment plan that best suits your goals, life stage and budget. Our aim is to bring all our clients to the point where only routine check-ups and cleaning appointments are necessary.




208 Hampden Road
Nedlands, WA 6009


(08) 9389 1482



The measured approach

Our logo mirrors the dental treatment timeline of a typical client. A single dot corresponds with a single visit to your dentist or hygienist, while a vertical stack of dots indicates more complex treatment and major dental work. Through good planning and regular monitoring in Continued Care appointments, we aim to keep these major dental experiences to a minimum for all our patients. The ideal timeline, from both our perspective and yours, is one long line of single dots with very few complex treatment situations along the way. 


My focus has always been long-term. This ensures optimum dental health and value for my clients.
— Dr Chai Lim


Make An Enquiry

Have a general enquiry or want to request a call back to arrange an appointment? Use the form below to get in touch with us and we will reply by next business day.